This project may be a real test, not only of my patience, but my visual acuity as well. According to Teresa Layman Designs, "A finished rug has approximately 1100 knots per square inch when worked in single-strand Colonial knot and approximately 2000 knots per square inch when worked in single-strand French knot." .........What was I thinking?!!!! Oh well, approximately 500 down but at this point who's counting? Still, once completed, this piece will be worth every knot, at least that's my story...and I am sticking to it.
I have enjoyed embroidering though, even the french knots, since I began practicing this art back in the early 70's. I remember stitching colourful flowers and other designs on my bell bottom jeans and denim shirts.
More recently I began a nice piece that I initially intended for a pillow but now I think it would make an even nicer Pascha basket cover. It isn't exactly a traditional Russian design but I think it will work fine with spring flowers representing the expecting season Pascha brings in.
note the taped edges that look as if chewed by, perhaps a little flying squirrel. hmmmmm
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