Cashmere Christmas

I chose shades I normally don't work with in an attempt to stifle my fear of bold colours. Ordinarily I work, almost exclusively, with natural muted shades. Either the colours our Creator gifted the animal, whose fibre I am working with or, as a natural dyer, the consequent colours produced in a natural dyebath of plant materials, using less offensive mordants like vinegar, alum, cream of tartar which, though more benign. do not lend itself to producing more intense hues. These will offer an exercise in colour, a talent that seems to be second nature for EM, my fibre sister, but for me it can be very intimidating. Trying to work out what colours work well with each other, either complimenting one another or even....collide with grace" to say is not as easy as I thought it would be until I started creating my own projects. Though a little scary I intend to have some fun with them. How can one not have fun working with such heavenly fibre.
When searching for the picture of cashmere that precedes this short article above to upload for this entry I came across this one and thought I would offer a peek into a typical evening at home. While dh is usually sitting with his laptop and I am participating in something fibre or reading scripture the furbabies, who normally pretend to suffer each other's company, nevertheless seem to gravitate to one another as the day concludes.
Labels: Congaree FibreArts guild, natural fibres
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