Life goes on....

Recently I received the honour of becoming Godmother to one of the sweetest little boys. Though this is not fibre related it has to be one of the few events in my life that is easily more exciting that has nothing to do with fibre. We fibre enthusiasts can appreciate the magnitude of a statement like that :-) I have had this privilege before, as Godmother to one of my nieces, who is now grown with children of her own and it’s so cool to see one starting her own family and another starting his life. Nothing changes, life goes on.
Labels: Orthodox Christian
Congratulations!! :)
Also, I’m in the process of doing some massive ring maintenance for the FiberArts Bloggers ring and I am contacting you because there’s a problem with your code. The code you have up is actually alright, except that the ring’s original home page on the urbanspinner site is long gone. The new home page is:
You’re welcome to either switch out just that one part of the code, or ask me for the basic default ring code instead.
Please feel free to contact me with any related questions/concerns. Once you have your code fixed up, if you want to send me a note I’d appreciate it, so I can check it out. Thanks!
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