Girls Night Out

Christian the newest member of Saturday Tea, will participate until he decides he no longer wants to spend his Saturday mornings with the girls.
While the boys, as they came to age, so to say, would feign lack of interest it has become apperant that they too benefited from years of participation in all that was shared each week. In point of fact one nephew who was recently featured along with other local chef's that participated in a charity event mentioned in an interview that he not only remembered, but appreciated the years he spent with his Grandmother, mother and aunts learning the basics in nutrition as he helped with the cooking each Saturday at Tea.
We also take this opportunity to plan family events like Thanksgiving, Christmas, special birthdays etc. Unfortunately right now one sister and her daughter are not able to attend as her dh is stationed out of state, but many Saturday’s we make do by chatting with them via phone or IM until they return home.
With winter the main Saturday projects have been knitting as it is too cold for gardening, not the season for canning etc. Mom is currently teaching a group knitting one day a week and with her years of experience we bring our mistakes to her to fix or ask her advice on patterns that don’t seem to make sense.

Last Saturday while I was helping one of my sisters get started on a Twilight Lace scarf of her own our other sister received a call from a friend asking if she would be interested in some tickets to a concert that night to see Harry Conick Jr. and quickly another sister and I expressed an interest in attending.

Ok so the seats were a little far, but the acoustics were good in the historic auditorium and the tickets were free. One would be hard pressed to pass that up no matter who was performing, but Harry Conick Jr….who cares where the seats are….. I am not really that fond of attending concerts anymore, the thought of spending several hours getting a little too friendly with thousands of other people, most yelling, trying to be heard above the music, having people stepping on your feet and polluting the air no longer seems appealing…….am I showing my age? But I was pleasantly surprised. The music was outstanding and the company.….wonderful and though our youngest sister would not be able to attend I know she would have loved it even though it is not the type of music she normally listens to. Still, judging from his audience that night, his talent allows him to connect with a diverse group of ages. While I feel sure the pre teens there were members of “family night”, there were also young adults, early 20’s, that you would expect to see damaging their hearing at a more interactive concert instead of sitting quietly enjoying some dreamy romantic crooning. Still I expect romance speaks to all ages….well for those of a feminine persuasion anyway.

It was so nice to enjoy a concert that was conducive to younger audiences as well, no foul language…again, showing my age. Proof positive that you can have a good time listening to real talent without the vulgarity that seems to permeate all aspects of our daily lives.
Labels: Saturday Tea
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