Head Covering in Progress

Labels: lace knitting
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The Adventures of two Fibre Artists.
Labels: lace knitting
Pictured is a sample of my purchase at Earth Guild, some absolutely beautiful mohair/silk yarn and a pair of "Monkey sticks" knitting needles, which I paid too much for. But we were treating ourselves so I was not going give too much time concerning myself with cost. "Beautifully hand crafted in Costa Rica of the finest tropical hardwoods. Warm and smooth, they feel great in your hands." Beside their aesthetic characteristics described in the quote you may note that the points are very sharp which lends to ease in knitting even the tightest work.
The sample project displayed using the yarn was so light and airy that you barely noticed the weight and the choice of colors was well represented. I can't wait to work with it.
Labels: natural fibres