Good-bye to a Dear Friend

Mika enjoyed camping and hiking but she especially loved anything to do with open water. We enjoyed many years canoeing the rivers of South Carolina (the Enorree, Elloree, Wateree,Edisto) and since we live so close to the Congaree swamp we spent many an afternoon enjoying the treasures this beautiful swamp offers. A few years ago when chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, herniated disc and other congenital back defects limited my participation in these activities, Mika continued to accompany my husband on weekly trips that I could not take. Her departure has been especially hard on him.
With the vet's assurance that allowing her to continue the way she was, even for a couple days, would only cause more suffering, and that all other options were exhausted, DH lay on the vet's exam room floor with her as she quietly slipped away. Now we focus on the good times. How she would open the tent door at the crack of dawn and you could hear her splashing in the river before anyone else stirred. I remember the time I planted pansies only to find her behind me unearthing and throwing those just planted in the air. How she would pull the hair ties from my hair and toss them in the air and delight in catching them without fail, standing at the front of the canoe as if she were guiding the group down the river..... I am trying to take comfort knowing that God does not create just to throw away and I believe she is now running, chasing deer, or swimming a nice cool stream with other furbabies that have gone before her.
Labels: furbabies